​When should I start to think about getting a Stairlift?

There is no age at which people should think about getting a stairlift. Some of us are fit and well into our nineties and others may wish to think about it in our sixties.

It depends on how safe you feel on the stairs.

If you live alone you may feel that if you have a slip or fall you will be less able to recover. Or if your stairs are particularly steep it again might bring your desire to get a quote for a stair lift further forward.

Most people look at getting a stairlift if their health is concerning them. For example if you are starting to have problems with your balance, this is sometimes associated with hearing difficulties but not always.

The most common time that people consider a stairlift is if they are feeling out of breath or feel tired after climbing the stairs. Dizziness or over exertion is not normal after climbing a flight of stairs within your own home and it is at this point that you really should see a doctor (you probably have been already) and then consider a stairlift.

Stairlifts give you peace of mind that you will not fall and injure yourself. Mobility and independence is so important as we all grow older. Keeping going is the most important thing that we can do.